Blog, Video
Amy Delman shares her public relations expertise with future leaders at both Montclair State University (MSU) and New York University (NYU). Watch selected portions of her presentation in the video below. Click here for more videos from Amy...
Listen to Amy Delman as she speaks to the Woman 2 Woman networking group of the North Essex Chamber of Commerce on “What Public Relations Can Do For Your Company.”
PR Minute, Video
A social media advisory is a way to let online and hyper-local news sites know about happenings in a company, the marketplace, and the community. It is similar to a press release in terms of layout. But it is not sent to what is considered the traditional press. This...
PR Minute, Video
Hi this is Amy Delman from Amy Delman Public Relations. Welcome to PR Minute. Today we are going to discuss “Why It’s Important For A Company To Be A Good Neighbor” in its surrounding communities. Your company has resources and you could use those...
PR Minute, Video
Hi, this is Amy Delman Public Relations. Welcome to PR Minute. Today we are going to discuss “How to Pick a PR Firm”. Once you’ve made the decision to invest in Public Relations, which is an investment in your company’s reputation and growth, it is vital that you...
PR Minute, Video
PR Minute is a monthly vlog providing tips for the small to medium sized business owner interested in growing their business.