Local Publicist Featured in Statewide Publication

Local Publicist Featured in Statewide Publication

Amy Delman offers insight and tips on public relations Amy Delman, Owner, Amy Delman Public Relations, LLC, a boutique public relations consultancy was recently featured in ROI-NJ where she discussed public relation strategies for the new year. In a wide-ranging...
Matrix New World Engineering Featured In NJBIZ

Matrix New World Engineering Featured In NJBIZ

National Environmental Engineering Firm Follows Exponential Growth Plan Matrix New World Engineering (Matrix) was showcased in the NJBIZ article, “With new private equity partner, Matrix Engineering ready to level up”. The article highlights Matrix’s origins and...
Local Publicist Guests on Radio Show

Local Publicist Guests on Radio Show

Amy Delman provides insight on the value public and media relations bring Amy Delman, Owner, Amy Delman Public Relations, LLC, a boutique public relations consultancy, was recently a guest on the ‘Experts Speak ‘show.  Delman’s several years of...
Local Publicist Featured in Statewide Publication

Local Publicist Featured in ROI-NJ Article

Amy Delman provides insight on technological updates to a PR expert’s daily work Amy Delman, Owner, Amy Delman Public Relations, LLC, a boutique public relations consultancy, was recently featured in the ROI-NJ article, “Not yet: PR professionals might be thinking...