Wendi L. Dumbroff, MA, LPC, was a guest on ‘Wise Women @ Work’, a podcast hosted by Felicia Garland.
Wendi, who began her career in pharmaceutics, opened up about her path to becoming an esteemed couples and sex therapist. After starting a family of her own, Wendi decided to revisit an old interest of hers in terms of her career. Despite the challenges she knew would be ahead of her, Wendi went back to school part time, while raising her children, and became a therapist.
From there, she began working with couples and found that sexual issues were a major part of why some couples seek therapy. When discussing some of the more specific issues couples face, Wendi shared:
The most common issues that couples come to sex therapy for is something called discrepant desire which simply means one person wants sex more than the other person wants sex.
Wendi also shared how some couples have difficulty balancing their desire and that oftentimes this desire wanes.
Wendi also touched upon mindfulness meditation, which she herself is a practitioner of, and how she incorporates it into couples therapy.
Meditation is mindfulness, Mindfulness means that you are attending to the present moment. For partners to be able to be vulnerable with each other, that’s also where you’re going to bring in change and build intimacy and closeness.
CLICK HERE to listen to the podcast.
The Wise Women @ Work podcast interviews offer successful women a platform to tell their stories about their work, their inspirations, their challenges and their triumphs.